January 30, 2012
This morning I spilled some water and muttered a bit loudly "oh s*it!" From the bathtub Benji then happily chirped "oh chips!" Oh alright. He happily chirped what I'd said. :-(
January 27, 2012
Life lesson #207. Approach yakking/yelling toddler in the pre-dawn hours like approaching a ferocious beast. Make no eye contact. Give commands in a gentle voice. Show no fear while slowly backing away...
January 26, 2012
"Just 2 more minutes of rocky rocky (rocking) Danny". "Aw..5 minutes! Please!" "Hmm...okay, how about 1.5 minutes?" He drifted off to sleep, thrilled with his "victory". Are you smarter than a 4 year old? ;-)
January 24, 2012
What to do when 1,2,3 Magic becomes 1,2,3 Monotony?
January 23, 2012
If there was FB for 2 yr olds, would they post stuff like "I did it!" Would they change status to stuff like "potty trained?" And would they have "mine, mine, mine" buttons?
January 22, 2012
Cognitive dissonance=4 year old playing awesome super hero while bursting out tears about every teeny tiny boo boo :-)
January 19, 2012
I love that Benji's new favorite thing to do is yell "HUG" and give big bear hugs. Makes all the rest of this stuff in life seem rather unimportant :-)
January 15, 2012
So apparently the nickname "Stinkerbelle" is not our toddler's favorites. "No, no mommy!" he disagrees. Hmm...alright, but there is something to be said for "if the shoe--er--diaper fits...
January 14, 2012
Not much sweeter than seeing a 2 year old view his Nana via Skype for the first time, saying bye-bye by planting a big kiss on her (or rather the screen).
January 9, 2012
Dear Spellcheck. My son's name is "Benji" not "Banjo". Really. Sincerely, Maniac
January 9, 2012