Thursday, October 29, 2015

And...We're Back!

This pic of Benji was taken in the spring. In another month or so he'll turn 6! Time is flying.

I love this picture of Danny taken while watching a musical group perform in Germany.

Wow. Pretty sure that I have not skipped posting this long, well, ever. Can't believe I haven't posted since June 11th! And here it is two days before Halloween. Where should I begin?

In June we went on our bi-annual trip to Germany. It was our best trip yet in my opinion. The boys are now 5 and 8 so they can carry a lot more of their own things, and don't require quite so much constant attention.

Later in the summer we went to northern Minnesota with our wonderful neighbors, and then it was time to dive right back into school again.

You know, I never realized before having kids that homework would take up so much time. Danny who is our 3rd grader has worksheets and other homework just about every night and now that kindergarten is the new first grade, even Benji has homework! I personally don't recall ever doing homework so it's all sort of crazy to me I must say. And believe you me, after a full day of school, there is nothing that Danny wants to do less than sit down and do more. But we shall carry on.

Other than that life is good. We have gone camping a few times--Danny is now a Bear Cub Scout and next year his brother will be able to join. Guess that is all for now. Will do my best to write more. Promise! -M

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