Friday, June 07, 2013

Baa Baa...

Susanne took Benji last weekend to a fun sheep shearing event held at the Textile Museum where her good friend Rachel works. Her oldest son Noah is about Benji's age and apparently both boys had very different reactions to the whole adventure. One of them LOVED it and even helped escort the shorn sheep into the trailer. The other boy? Well he wasn't quite so enamored of the whole thing. Take a look for yourself (Benji is in the yellow shirt.)

You guessed it. Benji was not very fond of the cute little sheep while Noah thought it was awesome. (Maybe Benji was remembering back to his recent summer buzz cut while watching the process? Who knows what goes through the minds of little kids right?) 

Well it's hard to believe that next week is the last week of school for both of our boys. In fact on Thursday, Danny will have his kindergarten graduation (stepping up day). Yup, we're going to have a "rising" first grader on our hands any day now. I know right?

The last week before school ends is always welcome. Kids, parents and teachers are just Well here. This says it better than I ever could--Worst End of School Year Mom Ever

Have a great day. -Monica

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