Monday, December 07, 2009


Su is not a big fan of the "pregnant belly shots", (or any photos of herself in general) but I finally got one that I think she won't hate!

I maybe got one picture of her when she was pregnant with Danny, and here is one I snapped this weekend "backstage" at the children's Advent Play rehearsal at our church. Hard to believe there are only 18 days remaining until the baby is due. We spent a lot of time this weekend getting things ready though, because big brother here decided to come out about 2 weeks early, so as far as we are concerned, this baby could come at any time now too. Su sorted tons of clothes and washed up the ones we'll need for baby. The car seat and bassinet are all set up, and I made several of our favorite meals that are now in the freezer ready to be heated up in a jiffy.

It's really odd to plan for an event without knowing when it will happen exactly right? Looks like I'm going to have to keep practicing patience. Argh! I'm not very good at that! -Monica


Jenni said...

nesting is a good sign :)

Strawberry said...

So soon! How exciting!

Stacey Johnson, MSW said...

Just because Danny came early is no indication that this baby will. Take it from me! One was 37 weeks, the other was forced out at 40 weeks and 1day! Good luck!!

Stacey Johnson, MSW said...

Just because Danny came early is no indication that this baby will. Take it from me! One was 37 weeks, the other was forced out at 40 weeks and 1day! Good luck!!