Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh where oh where has my big brother gone?

Benji has officially had enough of being an only child. Danny's been at Nana's for six straight days now, and Benji is finally ready for the "Big D" to get home.

His brother has had a FABULOUS time per Susanne who is with him now at Nana's in South Carolina, but she too thinks it may be time to head home. Apparently Danny's conversation with Benji on the phone tonight was along the lines of "it's been really fun at Nana's but it's boring"  (I will add that he's not been bored a moment. It's just that he's missing Benjamin).  We'll have to see how long this "Philadelphia" (City of Brotherly Love) lasts.

I know that I cannot wait to hug and kiss my precious four year old tomorrow night (even though Benji and I have had great fun alone these past few days.)

Can't wait til tomorrow. Love, Mommy

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