Thursday, July 30, 2009

Something smells delicious!

"What is that wonderful smell?" I called out to Susanne last night as I arrived home a bit late after some delays on the metro.

As I scooped up Danny and came into the kitchen I realized I was starving, and visions of the many wonderful meals we've shared over the years danced in my head.

My bubble was slightly burst when her reply was "well, I'm pre-heating the oven. That wonderful smell is our dirty oven heating up."


The quiche we had later was delicious by the way. But I think there is a new task on our never ending "to do" list.

P.S. When a bubble is slightly burst it is still burst ;-)

1 comment:

Casey said...

Ha! I got a headache from the smell of our oven preheating the other day... yours sounds much cleaner.