Monday, September 04, 2006

whose teasing?

The Mamas accused us of teasing with our previous entries about whether or not to spill the beans about being pregnant right away or not... But really we were the ones being teased -- testing negative but yet not having my period to show for it. There I was ready to put the not pregnant plan into practice with a nice bottle of Pino Grigio during our Shenandoah getaway weekend...why Virginia (our hostess with the mostest) even had a couple of Coronas in the fridge and we had the lime! Now, don't think I'm a terrible drunk or anything, but I really liked the plan that M & K had come up with to celebrate a negative with a nice bottle of wine...a consolation prize of sorts. So when Friday hit and we were still negative I figured it was going to be a nice weekend for two women and our wine. But Friday, Saturday, Sunday... (Skip ahead boys!) I was a bit crampy and nothing. By Sunday, of course we had to find a drugstore because the curiosity was killing us. You know that part on the pregnancy test instructions where they say it doesn't matter if one blue line is faint? I think that sort of induced some sort of halucination for us. Nevertheless we remained only cautiously optimistic and after Monica finished that second Corona I joked with her that now would be the time for my period to start. And of course, it did. So after three days of teasing we're now sure that we'll have to give it another go in a couple of weeks. Luckily there is a Trader Joe's (home of cheap wine) on the way home.

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