Monday, January 14, 2008

Maybe I'll forget how forgetful I'm getting...

So if you take your infant away for the weekend to New England (in January) and don't bring any blanket nor winter outerwear nor, gulp, a stroller, are you really not very bright parents?

Yes, we took Danny to Massachusetts, first to to visit my aunt near Boston, and then to beautiful and snowy Northhampton to hang out with our fabulous friend Liz who was a Peace Corps Volunteer with me. It was great fun and Danny turned on his charm with that silly smile of his. I think everyone was quiet smitten.

You know, it seemed so warm when we left DC. We really did mean to take his favorite blanket but it got left behind when we carried the other millions of items out to the car the morning we left. His jacket was a pretty good one, but not really a winter coat. And no stroller? Well, we've got no defense for that one. I guess he seems so grown up now we sort of forgot he can't walk. Good thing he only weighs 15 pounds. And that we could pick up a cheap umbrella stroller at the store.

We're going to Minnesota to visit my family soon. Maybe we should revise our packing list? (Sadly, we really did use a packing list for our Massachusetts trip.) Oh well. Maybe it will be warm in Minnesota? Not likely. -Monica

P.S. No child (particularly not ours) was harmed in the making of this about our trip to the northland ;-)

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