Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Web site madness I tell you!

Hi there family and friends. Have you noticed our new look? Susanne had the great idea to choose one of the new templates Blogger is offering which will allow us to enlarge our pictures a bit as it uses more "real estate" in the middle than our old template did. I must admit that since mint green is my favorite color I'm pretty excited about our new look!

And another thing I love is that Susanne set up a smaller site (on our side bar) called Susanica in Pictures.

You see, when I blog, I usually grab one photo to help tell a story (or show of our gorgeous boys) but truth be told there is usually a whole series of pictures that my talented wife has taken. Now, she's not committing to anything, but she'd really like to try and post to that site pretty frequently.

Attention Janna (tweenage neice). Your responsibility now, should you accept it , is to bring your wireless laptop to wherever Grandma is sitting and show her the latest pics of her grandsons. Not just on this site, but on the Susanica in Pictures. Okey dokey?

Have a great day everybody. -M

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Great times!

We got together with our good Peace Corps buddies last weekend to go to the Annapolis Irish Festival and Danny and Benji had a great time. It worked out great that Danny's Godfather David came. So instead of celebrating Father's Day, our little guy got to have Godfather's Day. Not sure which of the two had more fun. I think it was a tie! -M

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Here are Danny and his buddy Oscar when they turned two in the spring of 2009.

We knew what we were in for then--yes, the "terrible twos".

They did not disappoint for the most part as I look back on the year (although both still as lovable as could be.)

Here they are both reaching that 3 year milestone in 2010.

We are quickly realizing that there is no adjective commonly used to describe the "threes". I wonder if that is on purpose? After all, if you get through those "terrible twos" it's supposed to be smooth sailing right? Would we all just quake in despair if we knew the "terroristic threes" were on the horizon?

Okay, "terroristic" is not really the best choice of language. My suggestions for the threes thus far include: stubborn, selectively deaf, clever, imaginative, willfull and, well if truth be told, hilarious. Most days.

Can't wait for the "fabulous fours". (Or is it the "frenetic fours?) Oh dear.

Love,  Danny's Mommy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hear ye, hear ye...

After yesterday's adoption hearing the judge invited us up to take few photos and graciously offered Daniel her seat. We were just waiting for him to say "you may proceed".

Even more memorable though was the look on baby Benjamin's face. We like to think he was really happy about the outcome!

On an unrelated note we got a call today that Danny got into the public charter school that we were really hoping he would get into. It's fabulous--he'll be in a Spanish immersion which is awesome since Su and I both speak Spanish..

My gosh! That means in two short months Danny will be going to Pre-K 3 which is sort of mind boggling to us (wasn't he just born the other day? No?) And as a huge added bonus though, since Danny is in his brother Benji will be too in a few years, per the law here.

It's been a very good few days. Your futures looks bright dear sons. Bright indeed! -M

Monday, June 21, 2010

Signed, sealed, delivered, he's ours...

In a perfect world I wouldn't have to adopt my own children, but I do. This being said however, I prefer to look at the bright side. We are blessed to live in a place where it is possible to create this legal tie.

After a long wait of six months (required age for a child to be adopted in DC) Susanne, Danny, Benji and I went to the courthouse this morning and the judge signed an order finalizing Benji's adoption. His legal connection to me now is exactly the same as any other parent to his or her child.

Come to think of it, forget what I said about this not being a perfect world. Look at this son of ours. Perfection seems like a pretty good word now that I think of it! -M

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Asked and answered.

"What's that sound Mommy?"

"That's the sound of your voice asking me for the 53rd time today "what's that sound Mommy?"

They say this too shall pass. -M

Friday, June 18, 2010

How sweet it is!

Last month my brother Paul flew in from Minnesota for Danny's birthday, and when we were out shopping, we saw this pretty cool framed picture of racecars (alright technically muscle cars) that Danny really liked and I thought would look great in the boys' new room. But I figured that I'd best check with Susanne first before buying it, and then basically forgot about it.

Then yesterday Susanne called me to say that a UPS driver had just brought a really big box to the house addressed to the boys from Uncle Paul.

Yup. You guessed it. He'd bought the picture and shipped it out to us. We were very touched and as you can see by the smile on Danny's face, he is really happy. So thumbs up to you Uncle. You're a superstar around these parts right now (and always.) We love you. -M

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can it really be six months? Really?

Happy six month "birthday" little Benjamin. Thanks for keeping it real sweetheart (real busy that is ;-)

Love, Mommy, Mama and big bro Danny

P.S. Sneak peak from his 6 month slide show ...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boys at work (and rest)...

Danny helped Mama and our neighbor Greg tighten things up on his loft bed while Benjamin just enjoyed the view from his new crib. This sharing a room idea? So far, kid tested and kid approved. ;-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's that sound Tante?

Danny saw his first Rolling Thunder Parade on Memorial Day and shared his thoughts extensively with Susanne's mom's sister Christa visiting from Germany. They both thought it was pretty interesting to watch! -M

P.S. Danny must ask us about a million times a day "What's that sound Mama?"

The thanks I get...

No seriously. Case in point...

The other day Danny and I were talking about his best friend Oscar's birthday, and I mentioned that Oscar's Mommy was going to make a dinosaur cake.

In utter despair Danny cried "no Mommy, no! I want a dinosaur cake. Not Ocar Mommy, not Oscar!"

To which I replied, "It's okay honey, I hear that Oscar is going to give you one of the biggest pieces." (Whether true or not, I like to always point out the possibilites.)

Upon hearing this news Danny broke out into a huge grin. I nearly went blind from the dazzling brightness of this particular smile.

"Oscar will give me big piece Mommy? Oh thank you Mommy, thank you!!!!"

See what I mean about the thanks I get? I wish everything in life were this easy.

Oh, and Oscar, when you are old enough to read this, I want you to know that Flag Day will never be the same for me. It's now Oscar Day okay? Happy third birthday sweetie. You are an amazing little guy.

Love, Monica and the rest of the bunch

P.S. Operation move the boys into the same room has been pretty darn succesful. Except for Danny crawling into his brother's crib to snuggle up. Not a good best practice!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Our little co-conspirators!

I’m becoming more and more convinced that our three year old and six month old are conspiring somehow.

Not sure if they have a secret language or if they are doing it telepathically, but I do know what they are talking about.

If I may…

Danny: “Hey there Benji. I was up at 5:15 this morning so why don’t you take tomorrow?”

Benji: “No problem bro. Should I do the quiet chatter first or just go for the loud wail?

Danny: “Oh definitely the wail. Isn’t it hilarious when Mommy jumps up?”

Benji: “Sure is big brother. Oh hey, I've been meaning to tell you how much I admire that crying out in the middle of the night thing you do. You know, the one where you scream and then fall right back to sleep? Love how she jumps up, and stands there frozen like a statue waiting to see if you'll do it again. And the best part is that she can't get back to sleep for a while.”

Danny: “Yeah. That’s funny! Mama doesn’t jump up but I know we wake her up too! Hey, let’s mix things up a bit. We’ve been taking turns getting up at 5:15 for months now. What do you say we shoot for 5 a.m. from now on?

Benji: “I’m on it Danny!”

Not that I’m tired or anything. ;-]

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The beds--they are a changing...

This weekend will mark yet another milestone in the lives of our children. Danny's big boy bed will be disassembled and put back together again in the big blue room that has served as our guest room/office, and as a special door prize, also moving in will be his dear old white crib--complete with baby brother.

Benji has spent his first 5+ months in our room in his travel pack and play, and for the most part sleeps very soundly once he is down for the night. But now the time has come for him to move on over to his new "crib" (pun intended) where if all goes well, both boys will have many years of sleeping and playing until one of them pulls a "Marsha Brady" and demands his own room. Maybe in 2022 I say. ;-)

We'll move our office into the small room Danny has been in, and guests can either sleep in our basement or on an inflatable matress in the office. We are not too worried about this.

When we traveled to Germany for a few weeks the boys did a pretty remarkable job of sleeping through each other's crying jags so we have high hopes for this transition.

Susanne's been doing an amazing job of clearing off bookshelves and otherwise readying the big room for its new arrivals.

It's funny to feel happy/excited about this big change while at the same time feeling twinges of sadness at how fast Benjamin is growing up.

We'll post some pictures of our happy (hopefully sleeping) boys over the weekend. Wish us luck! -Monica

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Now you're getting in the swing of things son!

On a recent trip to NY, Benji enjoyed his time at the playground immensely. Our baby is almost 6 months old now. Can you believe it? -Monica

His left arm...

What is it with poor Danny and his left arm? This weekend he fell on an old tree stump and scratched the heck out of his elbow. It's the same arm he burned a few months ago. My poor little guy.

The way he was walking around with his arm hanging listlessly at his side after the tree stump incident I couldn't help but think of Monty Python's Scene with the Black Knight. You know. "It's only a flesh wound you know!" -Monica

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Word to the wise...

When you take your child to his or her 3 year old well baby checkup, DO NOT confidently stress to him or her that he or she will not get any shots.

I know. I know. You've read all the info. You know that this is an "easy peasy" visit where they check that all systems are go, and then do a few developmental tests like have the tyke draw a circle or two, identify a few colors and try to stand on one foot with their arms in the air. All the literature says that there are no vaccinations due at this visit, so you are easily drawn into a sort of happy go lucky complacency.

That is until the doc informs you that there is some new improved vaccine of some sort that they are now recommending all 3 year olds get.

So now, not only are you now a liar, you're basically an evil, pain causing liar.

Thank goodness there is a McDonalds right across the street from the doctor's office. For all my efforts to be "that mom"-- the one with organic goodies and lactose free whatever, when the going gets tough, this woman scoots into Micky D's for a sure to please Happy Meal. (Only 7.5 times in his 3 year old life, but it it sort of becoming a pattern for me.)

Will he ever trust me again? Will I ever regain my self respect? Stay tuned. This could be something that comes up in therapy somewhere down the line.

Sorry Danny. I'll keep my huge mouth shut next time. At least I'll try. Love you. -Mommy

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Chuckle for the day

So I had a fun lunch with some friends from work today,and as we talked about everything under the sun, the topic of pets came up.

Jan had us in stitches as she talked about a very unusual pet that her son begged and begged to get for Christmas.

A hedgehog.

True to his word he has been a very devoted hedgehog owner. In fact, likes to take it with him pretty much everywhere he goes.

In a Moby Wrap.

I don't know her son but I would LOVE to see that.  I thought at first that her boy was a little guy, but he's 14. I hope the other kids don't give him a hard time. I guess if they do though, he has a little hedgehog he can stare them down with.

Have a great day everybody! -M

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Birthday Blast!

On Memorial Day in 2007 an AMAZING event occurred. This little boy came into the world.

I really don't think there are words in any language that can truly describe how he has filled our world with unimaginable joy.

Happy 3rd Birthday Daniel. Love, Mommy and Mama (and your little brother Benji)

 Danny adored the 3-D Rocket Ship cake Susanne made for him.(He especially liked the 3-2-1 Blast Off part.)

This picture shows us two things. One that Danny keeps growing, and two that I don't paint very well! -Monica