Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quick, is there Paparazzi in the house?

As I mentioned our trip to Minnesota was brief but one visit we did make was to our friend Amy's house. Amy was one of my high school students in the 1980s when I was a teacher and we've always stayed in touch. She invited several of her former classmates over and it was a blast! I loved teaching those kids. I can't believe they are in their 30s now (yes, I know that means I'm in my 40s now!) Later after my fourth year of teaching I joined Peace Corps and they went off to college so it's sort of like we all graduated together or something.

Anyway, at one point Amy says to her husband Matt, "honey, why don't you take a family picture?" I'd of course forgotten that Matt is a professional photographer so he trooped us upstairs into his impromptu studio that he only uses for family and friends and started clicking away. I could almost hear the song "VOGUE!"

Lo and behold, even though tired and sleepy Danny refused to smile once (preferring his "Mr. Crankypants" cool look) and we didn't even comb our hair, nor dress in any special way for the occasion, Matt caught this--our first real picture of the family. Thanks Amy! Thanks Matt!


R said...

What a great picture!!!

R said...

Just curious about your conception story, how did ya do it and how long did it take?

Susanica said...

We'll send you an e-mail with more info. Okey Dokey?

Mom101 said...

Wow, what a beautiful family photo! Your kid is freaking cute. I'm now extra-honored to be on the very exclusive Susanica blogroll.

Amy said...

Superb! We made the Susanica blog, I'm so ptoud. I hadn't even seen the pics, I'm so glad you got a fabulous one (and it was Matt's pleasure I know :)). Amy