Monday, February 04, 2008

Thanks to all who sent comments letting me know that things would go perfectly fine on my first day "home alone" with Danny. We ended up not going out in the rain which was my ploy to distract him (it was torrential at times!) but we had a perfectly fun day playing and hanging out at home.

This weekend we got to go to the birthday party of my friend Mandy's 3 year old identical twin girls and it was great fun. It's amazing how different their personalities are. And from the very same egg. How does that happen? Same genetics, same environment. They are both wonderful little girls and Danny had a lot of fun "playing" with all the big kids.

Then on Sunday we had a wonderful time at our friends' Mikki and Kelly's house. Their little girl is quite the superstar. She crawls everywhere and, no lie, said, "that's okay" or some sounds to that effect at one point to Danny. She's just turned 9 months old and she's very impressive in all areas of her development. Oh, and since our hostesses were convinced that they'd only ever fed us pizza when we'd come in the past they made and amazing meal. It was like Thankgiving in February!

Today I get to see how Danny will respond to me after I've kind of been "out of the scene" for a few days. I've got a short business trip that I'll leave on today which means for the next two nights and mornings, I'm not really going to be around. Hmmmm...will he squeal with delight when he sees me Wednesday? Or will he shun me? Time will tell. I prefer to think that he and his creative mama will make confetti and have a ticker tape parade of sorts. But now I have to ask myself this. Will Susanne squeal with delight when she sees me? Or will SHE too shun me? ;-)

Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight, Delight! -Monica

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Friday went well! And try not to worry about your trip too much. I'm sure Danny will bounce back quickly from the minor disruption -- AG always has! :-) E