Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The charm continues...

On Saturday night the Nationals beat the Orioles in an exhibition game 3-0 and the very next day beat the Atlanta Braves at the big home opener 3-2 that was televised on national TV. That's pretty exciting stuff.

As you may recall, Danny is the Nationals lucky charm, and, it appears his powers are even greater than we thought. You see, he brought them luck while resting comfortably with our neighbors Melissa and Norman and their girls on Saturday night.

You see our poor boy started running a temp on Saturday morning (we have strong suspicions that teething is to blame.) Anyway, there was no way in heck we were going to bring him out to a night game with temps in the 40s. We were all set to not go to the game, or to figure out a way for one of us to stay home while the other invited a friend, but our lovely neighbors nixed that planning by graciously offering to keep Danny for a few hours. It was perfect. A great (if not freezing) win by the Nationals in their gorgeous new home, and then upon our return, a relaxing hour drinking wine and shooting the breeze with M&N while all the babies slept soundly upstairs.

Danny started to feel better Monday night and we are all excited for the weather to get warmer and for Danny to see the new stadium soon. Go Nats! -Monica

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